Sunday, August 24, 2008


The Plan Of Action as per my latest conversation with Sameer Sir:

1. Presentation : Preparation of a presentation (ppt) outlining our journey with blender. This includes everything from our R&D, the tutorials that we followed and things that we have created with blender. This also needs to outline what each of us has contributed individually.

2. Modelling : Regarding the actual modelling of the 1st experiment, the plan remains as it is. We're sipposed to midel the individual sections of the expt. as decided. Bhairav's sketch remains as it is, and we start from scratch. I am supposed to speak to Bhairav about this, and I haven't done that as of yet, but in all probability we start from scratch.

We're going to IIT on Wednesday, 27/08/08 to update Sir on our progress.


P.S. Wrt to Nitin's post about the face filling, it is a SERIOUS pain. Shift+F creates additional edges differently before filling the face, distorting the smoothness of the overall surface. Someone pls find a solution, it is really frustrating.

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