The following are the topics to be covered :
Each team member is supposed to respond to this post (via comments) and chooose which topic they will cover... Start working on the document/ppt/html ASAP. Topics will be chosen on 1st come 1st serve choose topics fast.
Topics :
1) Polygon, Subsurface, Sculpt mode, Symmetrical modelling.
2) Modifier stack , build modifier , array modifier , mirror modifier etc (whichever you learnt)
3) Materials & textures (advanced topics in these like texture painting..specular textures..uv mapping ...etc)
4) Diffuse shaders, Specular shaders, Ambient light effect, Colour ramps,
5) Raytraced refectionsand transparency, Subsurface scattering and Halos.
6)Light types,difference between Computer graphics and real world, Rendering engines, Array lighting,Global illumination, Ambient occlusion and shadows .
There will be a meeting everyday from monday (13th july till 16th july ) from 4pm to 5pm to discuss and review the material made by the members. The coursework to be prepared as per the instructions given by sameer sir. (one can make html documents/word documents/powerpoint presentations.) It should include snapshots of tutorials , blend files (separate obviously) and detailed text matter on the subject covered.